Sunday, 6 January 2019

He loves you as you are

He loves you as you are  6/1/19

You don’t need airs and graces
Or bright, clean happy faces.
Or to be a  shining star,
God loves you as you are.

You will never be rejected
There’s no need to be dejected.
And colour, race or creed’s no bar
God loves you as you are.

Lengthy prayers are not what’s needed
Dos and don’ts may go unheeded.
Your copy book may well be marred
But God loves you as you are.

You may have climbed Mount Everest,
Worked fifty years without a rest,
You may not yet  have travelled far.
But hey, God loves you as you are.

You don’t need many words to pray,
You may stay silent , that’s OK.
Remember if you’ve nought to say,
God loves you as you are.

See the birds, they never worry,
You will not  find them  in a hurry.
So don’t be anxious, full of care,

God loves you as you are!!

Why be downcast

My soul, my soul, why be downcast?

My soul, my soul, why be downcast?
The pain l feel  it  will  not last.
God knows the anguish of my heart,
He will one day His peace impart.

My mind  is troubled now,  but wait,
The time will come. It won’t be late,
When all is well and I am free,
And God will grant me liberty.

This momentary affliction gone,
The throne of grace I’ll gaze upon.
The clothes of righteousness I’ll wear
No suffering will affect me there.

By faith I know you live in me,
And that you hear my every plea.
My ears though dull to hear your voice,
Will in your presence  yet  rejoice.

And so in heaven I’ll find my  place,
And see the smile across His face,
“Welcome home, my child, my friend,”

Life in abundance, without end.

Friday, 4 January 2019

Help me Lord I’m Drowning

Help me Lord I’m Drowning

Help me Lord I’m drowning,
In a sea  that’s  vast and wide,
Where the waves can be  relentless
And as certain as the tide!

I cannot show the pain within
No clues upon my face,
To show the woes and burdens
Of  my heart, a lonely place!

No time of day, no time of night
My racing thoughts do cease.
I can’t control my troubled  mind
I have no inner peace.

I laugh, I cry, I smile, I  sigh
Does anybody care?
I plead  with you upon my knees
O Lord please hear my prayer.

 I ask for love and   understanding
To you Lord I’m appealing
The God of the whole universe
I’m begging you for healing.

‘My child I Know you’re suffering
Your hurting hurts me too.
You cannot understand now
What I am doing in  you!’

But Lord this awful testing
It’s much too hard to bear
I look into the abyss
And blankly stand and stare.

‘Be still son please don’t  struggle
Just listen to my voice.
Your name is in my book of life
Fear not. Look up. Rejoice.’