What an amazing word. Some us may use it occasionally to describe an act of kindness or for someone who accepts a difficult personal issue with acceptance. But human examples of grace or graciousness cannot be compared to the grace of God. If we mention God’s grace to the unbeliever it may sound like religious jargon as with other words such as repentance, holiness, born again, etc. It led me to imagine a debate between a doubter and God and based on Ephesians 2vs 8,9
Simply Grace.
‘God is not there, He doesn’t care.
I cannot find him anywhere.
When I need him most, where is he then?
And my heart breaks and bleeds again?’
“That is untrue, I know
your pain,
Your sighs and tears
are not in vain.
Before your birth, I
knew your name,
My love for you then, as now, the same.”
‘Then why haven’t you answered when I called ?
Or saved me from these depths untold?
It’s your deliverance that I seek
From all the things that make me weak.’
“You’ve talked to me about
your woes
The way of suffering,
you never chose.
Your cries have risen
to my throne
I’m here for you.
You’re not alone!”
‘But I don’t believe that you are near
Or when I pray you even hear.
God help me with my unbelief
And grant me comfort in my grief.
All my life I’ve tried to be good
And live the way I knew I should.
Yet in my heart, I am not free
What is there you can do for me?
“ Can I give you but
a word?
It may be one you’ve
never heard.
It will bring
gladness to your face
That word, my child,
is simply Grace!
God’s Riches At
Christ’s Expense
Is for each person who repents.
You cannot earn this gift to you !
Lest you should boast
in what you do
This is an offer you
can’t refuse
And it’s free.
Now that’s Good News
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