Thursday, 26 January 2017

Happiness . Is attainable?

Happiness by B.Dodd
As Ken Dodd comedian and singer sang in  1964
‘Happiness, happiness, the greatest gift that I possess.
I thank the Lord that I’ve been blessed than more than my share of happiness
I’ve got no silver and got no gold
Just a whole lot of happiness in my soul
...... I can see it in the sunshine,  I breathe it in the rain...’
Wonderful lyrics, wonderful sentiments but can this really be true of anyone? Of us?
Why do we pursue happiness ? In the 2006 film ‘Pursuit of Happiness’ Will Smith seeks the entrepreneurial  route ie. More money.  I’m sure if you stopped the ‘man in the street’ and asked him, ‘ What do you most want from life?’ he would no doubt answer ‘ Happiness’
I suppose we would all define it as that  lifestyle which we would   like to enjoy continually. But is it attainable? Can it ever be a goal ?  What makes us happy ? That which makes one person happy may be very different from that which makes another happy.   One person may be happy to receive tickets to a cup final . Another may be happy to win a prize. And yet another may be happy just to be alive and well enough to  see ,  hear and touch and to simply have the ability to think and reason.
Many pursue happiness,  yet it’s seldom found or attained and when it is,  is  often short-lived. It is illusive, transient, dependent on circumstances, finance or health.......  Frequently it is linked with another person’s  success or wellbeing .. a daughter who has just passed an exam, a brother who has just landed that ‘dream’ job...
Jane Fonda has said, “ It’s never too late – never too late to start over, never too late to be happy.”
However George Clooney  has been quoted as saying, “ I don’t believe in happy endings but I do believe in happy travels, because ultimately you die a t a very young age or you live long enough to watch your friends die. It’s a mean thing life !”
One  optimistic point of view and one very pessimistic. Into which category do you fall ?
What was the secret of  life as lived by Mahatma Gandhi ?  “ Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live for  ever “....   a noble attitude and one worthy of consideration as long as it’s not interpreted as ‘ Live, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die !’  and I’m sure this is NOT what Gandhi had in mind , a man who exuded peace and contentment.
Often we miss opportunities that if we had  taken could well have made us feel  happy.  Alexander Graham Bell said, “ When one door closes, another opens, but we often look so long and so regrettably upon the closed door that we  do not see the one that has opened for us. “
I love this quote by Mark Twain:-
“ Sing like no one’s listening.   Love like you’ve never been hurt. Dance like nobody’s watching and Live like heaven on earth.  !”
So many  books have been written about it. Films made about it. Poetry and stories written about it and of course, Songs sung about it.
Yet happiness is a feeling and  like any feeling  or  emotion it  can ebb and flow, be weak or intense,  be sought yes but not automatically attained.  As mentioned before it can be very dependent on our circumstances, our wealth , good  friendship, family, success, physical abilities. For a great many, merely having a roof over their heads would constitute happiness.
Whereas happiness is a feeling that fluctuates as the wind, joy is a deep seated state of mind  and heart , something more permanent throughout all of life’s ‘ups and downs’ , and life can most certainly often throw up seemingly cruel or desperate   situations.
 As I turn to the Bible I see that it has much to say about happiness. It frequently uses the word ‘blessed’ which is almost interchangeable.
Psalm 144 : 15 ‘Happy are the people whose God is the Lord.’
Proverbs 16:20  ‘Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord.’
In Psalm 14:15 there is a warning....’  There is a way that seems right to a man but even in laughter the heart is sad and the end of joy is grief’     I’ve known this feeling and I’m sure you have too !
In John 15:11 Jesus says ,
‘I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.’
For those who follow Christ we are promised joy as a ‘fruit of the Spirit that lives in the believer’
Galatians 5:22 ‘ ..the fruit of the spirit is love, joy , peace , patience, kindness….’

In John 14:6  he says ‘ I have come that you might have LIFE and life in all its fullness’ That doesn’t sound like a miserable , dour , cheerless life to me!

Looking To Jesus

What stared as a ‘kitchen sink meditation’ has somehow turned into more of a sermon. That was honestly not my intention. It just happened .  I’ve never preached in my life but as I entered another year  , I felt undeniably drawn to this passage and hope that in some small measure I can apply it to my own life.
   Philippians 3vs13,14  
‘ Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it ( see verses  8-12) But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining towards what is ahead I press towards the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenwards in Christ Jesus. ‘
        Here  Paul exhorts the church at Philippi  to                 :-   
*        Lay hold of Christ
*        Let go of the past
*        Look forward to the future
In  verses  8 to 11 Paul says ‘ that I may gain Christ and be found in him’  and have a ‘righteousness ....through faith in Christ’  ‘ I want to know Christ..’ ‘ experience the power of Christ’s resurrection’ ‘ share in Christ’s sufferings’ ‘ become like Christ in his death’  ‘ Christ Jesus took hold of me’
Surely  if anyone in scripture could honestly say that he shared in Christ’s sufferings or had become like him in His death it was the apostle Paul. Even at  the time of writing Paul was in prison, suffering for his faith.     In 2 Corinthians chapter  11  he tells us :
  23 Are they servants of Christ? (I am out of my mind to talk like this.) I am more. I have worked much harder, been in prison more frequently, been flogged more severely, and been exposed to death again and again.   24 Five times I received from the Jews the forty lashes minus one. 25 Three times I was beaten with rods, once I was pelted with stones, three times I was shipwrecked, I spent a night and a day in the open sea, 26 I have been constantly on the move. I have been in danger from rivers, in danger from bandits, in danger from my fellow Jews, in danger from Gentiles; in danger in the city, in danger in the country, in danger at sea; and in danger from false believers.  27 I have laboured and toiled and have often gone without sleep; I have known hunger and thirst and have often gone without food; I have been cold and naked. ...’
        In Ephesians he writes ‘ For it is by grace you have been saved through  faith, and this is not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, not by works so no one can boast’  
 Paul understood his standing , his righteousness, was all of Christ. As he embraced this truth Paul longed with every fibre of his being to be more like Christ ‘ being changed into His likeness from one degree of glory to another’ . Paul’s aim was simply to be obedient to God , to be obedient to His calling on his life , to die with Him that he might be raised with Him, to experience the ‘power of His  resurrection’
 As we lay hold of Christ  ,  we too  may often walk the painful road of self-denial . . Jesus himself said that ‘ If any man would come after me He must deny himself, take up His cross daily and follow me.’ Luke 9:23
 What is the Lord asking of my life? No one  would wish to suffer as Paul did,  and mercifully we may never have to,  so how can    this truth be applied ?  This is a personal challenge.
 It could  entail giving up a secret sin , something we cling to dearly  . It could be literally putting others first in some seemingly small way, giving  someone an hour of your time, ministering  to someone in need, giving  material goods , clothes or  money to the poor and  destitute.
Paul encourages himself  to  let go of the past.:- ‘forgetting what is behind...’                                                                  What had Paul in mind?         In chapter 3; 1-8. ,   I think Paul makes it pretty clear. Paul’s credentials were outstanding , his achievements  exemplary  , his knowledge impressive.  He had experienced an encounter with the risen Christ Himself. He had ministered to thousands. He had seen many souls saved under his ministry. If anyone had cause to boast it was Paul. Yet Paul would rather forget all of these things . Why?                                                 ‘ for the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord’.
  Paul, like all believers, recognised   that  nothing he had achieved, nothing he had suffered could put him right with God.                                                                                                                                                                                     Accolades, rewards, achievements, promotions and indeed all forms of self- aggrandisement must be left behind if we are to know Christ  and the power of His resurrection. We can praise God for the many gifts and abilities we have been given : preaching, teaching, hospitality, healing, prophecy , evangelism....... yet we do not glory in these but in the cross of Christ !
As for us,  there may be other things , more difficult , that we need to let go of :- hurts, resentments, regrets, rejections, addictions, immoral lifestyle... to name but a few. All must be brought to the foot of the cross , and left there!
Nothing in my hand I bring, simply to thy cross I cling....’
Paul’s aim, his goal , his sole desire, was to press forward. To use an analogy from athletics , it’s not how we start that’s of upmost importance , but how we finish. This means training hard, sacrificing   time and effort, pressing forward during  those times when we ‘don’t particularly feel like it’ .
Michael Phelps , the most outstanding swimmer of our time and the most decorated Olympian , with 28 medals to his name, did not achieve this by simply jumping in the pool for a few hours to practice now and again.  He trained  in the pool six days per week and did  circuit training  with weights three times per week. He swam an average of eight miles a day during his six hours of swimming. He began his training at 6:30 a.m. , a gruelling , punishing schedule !
 Paul says in Hebrews chapter 12vs 1,2  ‘ let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus....’                                                                                                                                                                I like the Living Bible paraphrase for this ... let us run with patience the particular race that God has set before us.
That’s so important . God has a particular race, a particular journey that only  I can run, not looking round, not comparing my  progress with others, and not giving up !  I keep having to remind myself of this constantly. Isn’t it great, though,  that we do not run this race alone but in the company of  fellow believers, fellow runners, the amazing fellowship of His church, God’s people, ‘encouraging one another and all the more as we see the Day approaching’ .

Saturday, 21 January 2017

I Hate Saturdays ..based on encounter with down-and-out 2014

I hate Saturdays” based on an actual encounter 

 ‘I hate Saturdays, ‘ he suddenly said
‘Much rather be in bed !’
‘Why’s that?’ I asked with a quizzical look
As he stood there swaying, his hands shook.

He told me that he couldn’t bother.
He had no wife, no child, no brother.
Nothing to give and nothing to share
No house, no home, no place, nowhere.

His story he began to trace
Of hard times,  written on his face.
He told me that he’d got no money,
But drink in hand I thought ‘That’s funny!’

I thought, ‘I’ve heard this all before’
Yet this poor soul’s plight I couldn’t  ignore.
Unclean, unkempt__ with haggard face,
Unvalued part of the human race.

He told me that his name was Stan,
Had once been a bright young man,
Yet  Mr. Trouble and Mrs. Strife’
Had robbed him of a normal life.

In his eyes I saw no hope,
Plain to me, he couldn’t cope,
A heart so full of woe and sorrow,
For whom there was no bright tomorrow.

Before our  time came came to an end,
I told him that there was one friend ,
From whose love he could not stray
But by his side would ever stay.

I gave him   coins and said a prayer,
‘Dear Lord please show him that you’re there’
Others,  I know, have a similar story,

But hope this man I’ll meet in glory...

Wednesday, 18 January 2017


The theme given to my writing group was ' alphabet' . My thoughts turned to friendship so came up with this .... forgive repetition when[2]
A-Z of FRIENDSHIP   by Brian Dodd 26/6/16
A for Availability . This must be an important component of any friendship. It’s been said so many times that ‘A friend in need is friend indeed’ Just being there for someone in the hour of need can often cement a lifelong friendship.
B stands for Bridges. Just as an engineer must construct a bridge piece by piece in order to cross a river, road or gorge in order to reach out to the other side so friendships can be built that  span age gaps, generations, race and many other differences. It can then bring two people together who otherwise might remain isolated or unreacheable. Building bridges of friendship means an investment of time, work and energy . It’s a process .
Communication. Communication is the key that unlocks the door to any relationship. Conversation, talking with each other,( note not at or to ) is the basis of a solidly built friendship. These days we have so many opportunities to communicate via social media, text messages as well as the usual telephone call.
D is for Desire. It seems obvious to say that we must desire friendship if we want to find friendship. It’s not something that just ‘happens’ . Some have said they don’t need friendship, they’re happy with their own company. This could well be true of course but what a blessing they could be to someone else, someone who feels lonely, shut in or in need of someone to talk with.
E is for Encouragement. A small word of encouragement can have a great effect. The writer of Ecclesiastes says, ‘Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil.: If either falls down one can lift up the other, But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up’. Has your friend embarked on a new project, a new career, a new direction? They may glad of a word of encouragement.
F Stands for Forgiveness. This is a tough one. When we have been hurt or let down by someone we considered a friend it can be hard if not impossible to put it right. Whether we’re the offended or the offender we often look to the other person to make the first move, to change his /her attitude. Although we cannot forget, it’s good to forgive . Nelson Mandela famously said on his release from prison “ If I cannot forgive those who have kept me locked up all these years then I myself will remain in prison .”
G is for Generosity. When we give our time, our energy or attention and have a giving attitude to a person it often breaks down barriers, is disarming and can lead to friendship or strengthen one already initiated.
H is for Hobbies. Often an easy way to form friendship is to share interests or hobbies with other likeminded people. Meeting together as individuals or in groups , as we do in U3A for instance, to pursue a common passion for things such as writing, photography, walking or playing sport with someone can often be the springboard to forming friendships.
I stands for Integrity. I’ve always believed ‘honesty is the best policy’. If we make a promise to do something for another then it is right to keep it. Have we ever borrowed garden tools, books or even money? Then it’s right and proper we give these back. Have we broken or lost something belonging to another? Do we own up or shut up ?Are we asked for our honest opinion? That’s a difficult one isn’t it and sometimes needs some discretion. After all if a family member or good friend asked you about their new car or their new hairstyle , what do we say? Telling them bluntly what we actually think may not ‘win friends and influence people’ !
J is for Jovial. If a person is jovial or good-natured it puts the other person at ease . I don’t always find this easy but if we can sometimes laugh with others and sometimes laugh at ourselves, it can quickly break down barriers.
K of course is for Kindness. A small act of kindness can go a long way. I suppose we’ve all watched romantic films where the chap bends down to pick up and return an item inadvertently dropped by a young ( usually attractive) female at an airport or checkout . This is the initial contact that by the end of the film leads inevitably to a love relationship. But cannot  a small almost insignificant but thoughtful action  initiate a friendship ? ...visiting a 'shut in' neighbour, running an errand, doing a small gardening job for someone ......
L stands for Listen. It’s often been said that God gave us 2 ears but one mouth . I take that to signify that we should be good listeners before we have something to say ! Spending time with a person and simply listening to their problems, heartaches, fears, as well as their successes and joys can help to consolidate friendship and show genuine interest in that person.
M: Stands for  ‘Makes a Difference’ !   Friendship can and does make a difference. Before we can ' make a difference' we must Make an effort.
N:  Need. Friendship can meet a need in another person’s life and in so doing meet a need in our own lives. ‘ no man is an island’ a quote by from John Donne , a 16th century English clergyman &poet, and one we are all familiar with.
O is for  Openness . Doesn’t mean we reveal all about ourselves, pour out all our trials and tribulations or share all our life story. This could easily bore the socks off people but rather, I believe, it means being a good listener as well as talker. Being willing to put aside an hour a week or just a few moments with someone can make the world of difference.
P:  Protection. True friendship protects another not just physically but also emotionally .We protect their feelings. Don’t talk about them or put them in a bad light in those unguarded moments when talking to others. Nothing could be more damaging.
Q Quietness: Periods of silence and quiet acceptance can be a good thing unless it’s taken to extremes and simply used as an excuse to be inattentive or show boredom. It rather gives space for a person to collect their thoughts or to ‘engage brain before opening mouth’
R Respect: In order to maintain good friendship there must be respect. Respect for the other person’s views whether or not we agree with them be they political, social or religious. That’s not to say that a healthy argument or discussion on ‘hot topics’ should never take place between friends but that ‘at the end of the day’ we do not take offence and respect the friend’s position.
S for Sensitivity: I, for one , wish I had this quality in bucketloads but sadly know it’s often lacking.Do I talk about my children all the time with someone who cannot have children ? Do I recognise when my wife or partner is tired and just needs a rest or helping hand? Do I show off my new car to someone we know can’t afford one?
T for Trust: When we put our faith in someone, we trust them, we believe the best of them, give responsibility to them. Trust is the cement between the bricks when building that bridge of friendship. We believe that a person will keep his/her word when a promise has been made by someone we trust.
U: Unconditional. We must try not to put constraints or conditions on a friendship if it’s to work. “ If only you turned up on time” “ If only you stopped smoking” “ If only you talked more “ “ If only you talked less !!” Substitute your own terms and conditions. Are they real barriers to friendship or just something that just challenges my patience or my own ideas ?
V: Value. How much do we value a friend? Good friendship is invaluable. How can we show that we value someone ?
W for Write. When meeting up is almost impossible , perhaps because of distance or because of infirmity, then why not write. In this day and age it may not mean writing a letter. It’s so easy to write an email and communicate instantly . We may use our phones to send a text message. Personally I quite mourn the loss of a handwritten letter or even a postcard sent from a holiday. Is this already ‘out of fashion?’
X represents a kiss, not necessarily given literally but maybe as a symbol of warmth added to the end of a text message. Of course this depends on the closeness and nature of the relationship. If it was added to a letter from my doctor or bank manager I might get a little worried In many cultures a kiss on the cheek is normal. How comfortable are we with this ?   In marriage vows we say ‘ for better or for worse’, ‘in sickness and in health.., Few would find this easy to keep, especially the ‘worse’ bit ! In my experience we soon discover one another’s faults & foibles but love anyway ! so it is with friendship. Jesus taught to ‘love your neighbour..’ referring to all we rub shoulders with ... easier said than done though . As Charlie Brown famously      said, “ I love the whole world . Its just my neighbour I cant stand” Elbert Green Hubbard was an American writer, publisher, artist, and philosopher who once said,
  1. “A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.”
Y: Yourself. Be yourself. Who else can I be? I hear you say. True. But sometimes it’s possible to want to make an impression with colleagues or friends. Be someone you’re not. Relax. Be yourself.
Z is for Zeal “Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm” so said Ralph Waldo Emerson a 19th century American poet. Perhaps zeal is too strong a word for most of us. I suppose it depends on the level of friendship we want and whether that feeling is reciprocated. Yet if a friendship is to grow and be meaningful it must surely mean commitment or attention. A fruitful tree needs tending. A fruitful friendship needs cultivating.......
and finally.....
So now this list is over,
A to Z comes to an end
Just apply these  principles
And you WILL have a friend !

New blogger

My intentions in this blog and any further pieces I write are  to :-

  • make us think
  • keep it clean
  • provoke a reaction
  • make social comment
  • include poetry
  • include prose
  • include personal reflections
  • include devotional studies ( Christian )

To all who pass by 
I will always try
To grab your attention
With things that I mention.
Feel free to reply
With comments to Bri..........