Saturday, 19 May 2018

A prayer for God to use even me this day.

Dear LORD ,

Never let the work I do become greater than you.
Remind me it’s your work , not mine.
These hands, this mind, this heart you gave me,
I yield them to you.
May your love guide my hands
May your love control my thinking
May my heart be a reservoir filled to overflowing
With love for you,
That others may see,  and feel,  and know your love
That may be seen in me..
Lord you made no mistakes when you made me,
Imperfect as I am.
I lay this weak and fragile soul of mine
Before you today.
As I seek to follow you in faith.
So hold me close and guide my steps
And show me your face I pray.

In Jesus name. Amen.

A hymn . A prayer of hope in troubled times.

My soul, my soul, why be downcast?
The pain l feel  it  will  not last.
God knows the anguish of my heart,
He will one day His peace impart.

My mind  is troubled now,  but wait,
The time will come. It won’t be late,
When all is well and I am free,
And God will grant me liberty.

This momentary affliction gone,
The throne of grace I’ll gaze upon.
The clothes of righteousness I’ll wear
No suffering will affect me there.

By faith I know you live in me,
And that you hear my every plea.
My ears though dull to hear your voice,
Will in your presence  yet  rejoice.

And so in heaven I’ll find my  place,
And see the smile across His face,
“Welcome home, my child, my friend,”
Life in abundance, without end.