Monday, 20 November 2017

O LORD Our Lord

O LORD, Our Lord ( based on Psalm 8) by B.D.

 O LORD, Our Lord... my God and King

How great your name in all the earth.
No tongue can e’er describe your worth.
Above the heavens, you’ve set your glory
You speak to us. We tell your story.
Your enemies can’t bear your gaze
Or listen to your children’s praise.
The moon and stars you’ve put in place,
The seas and skies reflect your face.
All peoples, nations, you have made
Your love for them will never fade.
Each butterfly and beast and bird,
Created by your spoken word.
It’s willful sin you can’t abide
And from your pure eyes must hide.
All flesh must one day bow the knee
Lost, or redeemed, without one plea,
But that you offered Christ your son,
 You reign on high,  your work is done!

O LORD Our Lord my everything !

Tuesday, 7 November 2017

Rainbow of Hope

Rainbow of Hope by Brian Dodd

Happiness and tears that mingle,
Incongruous cocktail  of emotions.
 Happiness that melts the frozen depths.
Tears flow, never wanted,  yet liberate the soul.
Joy and pain, strange bedfellows.
 This curious and  real dichotomy.
Why?  I cannot tell.
Sunshine and rain  merge mysteriously

Yet,  together,   form a glorious rainbow of hope.