Friday, 23 June 2017


Procrastination , the thief.
To do list for the day:
Take the car in.
I procrastinate.
Put the bins out.
I procrastinate.
Book a doctor’s appointment for my annual   check up.
I’ll fill in my tax return.
Not due yet.
I need to apply for a job.
No point.  After 30 rejections.
I  promised to  phone a friend.
Too tired right now.
I need to complete my writing assignment.
Later. ..........Ahhh ...........  I know...
 I’ll to log in to Facebook and update my status.
  Great  idea.
See what all my friends are doing.
I’m desperate for a chocolate bar.
I need   a cuppa.
The thief  made off long ago,
Where on earth did he go?
He cannot be caught ,
Bags full of
Unfulfilled ambitions and unrealised dreams.
Last seen  carrying all my clocks and watches
Plenty of time on his hands !
Readiness  or reluctance ?
Writing or resting?
Telephone  or  television?

 ‘A little sleep a little slumber  ,a little folding of the hands to rest  and poverty will come upon you like a thief and scarcity like an armed man ...’. Proverbs 6:10,11

‘Redeeming the time, because the days are evil’. Ephesians 5:16
just a minute .................... the kettle’s boiled.

Back later.