One Day by Brian E. Dodd 30/3/17
One day there will be no more suffering.
There will be no more wars, no hatred
No misconceptions or mistakes.
No hurts or hurting.
One day there will be no guilt, no blame
No regret or revenge.
One day all dreams and aspirations
All hopes, all fears
Will be dissolved and be no more.
One day I will fly and soar
With spirits gone before.
One day my tears will all have vanished,
Evaporated by the power and warmth of love,
the gladness of acceptance.
One day I shall know even as I have been known
Where the shadows of this life are gone
Overwhelmed by
One day , soon, I will know His presence ,
Welcomed by two arms outstretched,
Two hands pierced by human pride,
And face smiling, radiant with love, yet scarred.
One day,
Faith will become fact,
Hope will
become reality
Death becomes
And Earth becomes heaven.
The heavy clouds of darkness
Will give way to the brilliance of heaven.
And there will I dwell for ever.